If health problems that may cause hair loss, such as vitamin and mineral deficiencies and hormonal problems, are detected, they should be treated first. Hair transplantation can be performed if hair loss continues after the necessary treatments have been applied or if there is an irreversible hair loss. Today, ethically, hair transplantation over the age of 22 is considered appropriate if there is a need. For this reason, hair transplantation can be easily performed on all individuals over the age of 22 who have hair loss problems.
The methods commonly used in hair transplantation recently are FUE and DHI methods.
Hair Transplant Treatment in Turkey
Hair loss is an important problem that starts at an early age today. The problem of hair loss, which is commonly seen in men starting in their twenties, can also be seen in women in some cases. Hair loss, which starts as thinning of the hair and receding of the front hairline, may develop due to genetic reasons in men and hormonal reasons and some diseases in women. People with hair loss complaints should first undergo a health screening to find out whether they have a health problem that causes hair loss.
The Sapphire FUE method, an innovative application technique in hair transplantation, is a technique that is frequently used today and allows the transplantation of chest and back hair. In this technique, a micro motor is used, and since these tips are 0.6 – 0.7 mm, there is no scar on the nape of the neck or where the hair follicles are removed, and the patient feels much less pain after the operation. Since local anesthesia is applied before hair transplantation, the patient does not feel any pain during the operation.
The FUE method consists of several steps. First of all, the hair is cut so that the hair follicles are better detected and the area where the hair transplant will be performed can be seen more clearly. The hair on the chest, back or nape area, where the hair follicle will be used, is also shaved to 1 mm in length. Then, the area to be treated is numbed with local anesthesia to prevent the patient from feeling pain and the area is prepared for the operation.
The micro motor tip is inserted into the skin centering the hair follicle and the hair is removed along with the follicle and the surrounding tissue. This whole structure is called “graft”. While the graft was limited to a single hair follicle in the early days of the method, today, thanks to the developing hair transplantation technology, between 1 and 3 hair follicles can be removed at once, which means that the operation times are getting shorter and shorter. After the hair follicles are removed, they are kept in a special solution until the transplantation process to prevent any damage.
Depending on the width of the area to be transplanted and the adequacy of the donor area, approximately 1000-2800 grafts, i.e. 2500-7500 hair strands, can be transplanted in one session in the FUE technique. During the transplantation process, the direction of hair growth and the patient’s hair structure are also taken into consideration and it is aimed to restore the hair to its natural state after transplantation. After the transplantation is completed, the operation area is dressed and the patient is discharged. These hairs, which are taken from different areas and transplanted to the desired area, adapt to the hair characteristics of the area where they are transplanted over time and continue their life with the same appearance.
After hair transplantation, the newly transplanted hair begins to fall out after about one month. Following this process, new hair grows between the second and third months and visibly fills the old balding areas. Towards the end of the sixth month, the transplanted area begins to regain its former hairy appearance. After the hair has fully completed its adaptation and development, it gains its most natural appearance within one to two years depending on its physical characteristics. Since the hair carries the person’s own DNA, it grows in the same color and character. Since the hair follicles taken with the FUE method do not have the ability to fall out, hair loss is not possible again.
Hair Transplantation with DHI Method
Another hair transplantation technique that has recently become widespread is DHI hair transplantation. DHI hair transplantation, also called unshaven hair transplantation, does not require shaving the hair as the name suggests. The aim of the DHI hair transplantation method is to perform a more frequent and more natural hair transplantation process by focusing on the areas where the hair is sparse without damaging the existing hair. The DHI method aims to give the hair a natural appearance as well as allowing the patient to return to his/her daily life as soon as possible.
Before the transplantation process begins, the area to be transplanted and the donor area are analyzed in a computer environment with a high-resolution camera. The purpose of the analysis is to determine the hair type, hair loss intensity, the density of the area to be transplanted and the amount of follicles that can be taken. As a result of the analysis, some hair is cut and the area to be transplanted is designed. Then, local anesthesia is applied to the donor area to prevent the patient from feeling pain and the nape area is numbed. Then, hair follicles are taken with micro-tips and kept in a solution that will both increase the health of the hair follicles and prevent them from being damaged. After the root extraction process from the donor area is completed, local anesthesia is applied to the area where the transplantation will be performed.
After the completion of the anesthesia process, the grafts placed in the micro-tips start to be transplanted from the front of the designed area to the sparse areas in accordance with the direction of hair growth and natural structure. The aim of the DHI method is to plant new hair while preserving the existing hair and the process is completed without any damage to the existing hair. Since there is no canal opening in this method, the scabbing period is quite short and the healing process is faster in parallel.
A small amount of crusting completely falls off within a week. The transplanted hair falls out between two and three weeks. By the third month, the transplanted hair begins to grow slowly and by the sixth month, most of the hair has grown. After the completion of one year, the hair starts to regain its natural appearance and the transplanted follicles do not fall out again.
Which of the above-mentioned techniques should be used is decided by the physician after an examination in line with the patient’s needs and request. Since all procedures are performed under local anesthesia, there is no pain or pain sensation, so patients do not need to worry about such concerns. Although it varies depending on the width of the area to be transplanted, hair transplantation operation with all stages usually takes an average of six to seven hours.
After the hair transplantation, your doctor will inform you about the things you should pay attention to and recommend a special shampoo to use after you start washing your hair. Conditions such as crusting, itching, redness and shedding after hair transplantation are normal and can be considered as part of the healing process. The healing process varies from person to person, but symptoms such as redness, crusting and itching completely disappear within a week or two after the procedure. With the end of the healing process, the transplanted hair begins to grow immediately. However, it takes six months to a year to achieve the desired natural appearance. This process varies from person to person.
Hair loss and baldness are among the main health problems of young people as well as older people. Hair loss problem in women can start in their twenties, just like in men. Causes include genetics, hormonal disorders, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, work and environmental conditions. People who cannot find a solution to the problem of hair loss with various medical treatments can resort to hair transplantation, one of the most popular applications of our age. It is possible to perform hair transplantation treatment in a full-fledged hair transplantation clinic at Medical Park Hospitals, where experienced and specialized physicians work in the field.
Are There Scars After Hair Transplantation?

The process after hair transplantation and the things to be considered are among the most curious by people who are considering applying for this treatment and who have hair transplantation. The recommendations given by experts and following these recommendations are extremely important for the success of the hair transplantation process. The process after the operation is partially long. You should pay attention to the post-operative recommendations and know that the changes you observe in yourself are part of a normal and natural process. Since there is no incision during hair transplantation, there is no scarring after healing.
Non-serious side effects may occur after hair transplantation. Swelling, one of the most common side effects, is the body’s response to injury and damage. Swelling is a natural, harmless and temporary condition. Applying cold to the swollen area, keeping the area elevated, drinking plenty of water helps the swelling to go away quickly and reduces its effect. Other side effects include scalp redness, itching and mild bleeding. Side effects that last more than two weeks and show improvement may indicate infection. When such a situation is encountered, it is necessary to consult a doctor. In addition, doctor controls planned to be made periodically during this process should not be disrupted.
Washing After Hair Transplant
The first week after hair transplantation is very important. The bandage is removed the day after hair transplantation. Hot water and sun should be avoided. After the third day, you can start washing your hair with a shampoo recommended by your doctor. Tea and coffee should be consumed at a minimum level and smoking and alcohol should be avoided. Physical activities and stress should be avoided. After the second week, the scalp wounds begin to heal and the scabs fall off. Care should be taken to massage and wash the scalp to support the removal of dead skin. A small amount of hair loss during this period is a normal process called “shock hair loss”. This normal process can last from two to four months. Afterwards, regular hair growth is observed.
When Can A Natural Look Be Achieved After Hair Transplantation?
In the third week after hair transplantation, swelling and redness around the hairline largely disappear. During this period, exercise can be started under expert control. Heavy exercises should be avoided. After the second month, hair loss decreases and new hair begins to grow. The rate of hair growth may not be regular. Care should be taken against the risk of infection. If there is a suspicion of infection, the specialist should be consulted. In the sixth month after the procedure, the hair starts to thicken and grow. Hair is suitable for combing, shaving and care. It is normal for new hair to grow unevenly. Uneven parts can be corrected by cutting. After one year, you will have natural looking, full hair. After that, it is free to shape the hair. The hair continues to grow and grow. Hair does not need any special care, shampoo or medication. Standard shampoos and hair care products are sufficient.
When Does Transplanted Hair Grow After Hair Transplantation?
Patients want the transplanted hair to grow and grow quickly after hair transplantation. However, since hair transplantation is a natural process, it requires some patience. It is normal to see hair loss and growth from time to time after the procedure. Hair begins to grow within two to three months after the operation. The hair can grow in different amounts. If uneven hair growth creates a bad appearance, it can be cut with the approval of the doctor. However, cutting should be done in a limited amount and scraping should not be done. Care should be taken to care for the growing hair and it should be washed by massaging with shampoos recommended by the doctor.
Does Transplanted Hair Fall Out After Hair Transplantation?
Patients want the transplanted hair to grow and grow quickly after hair transplantation. However, since hair transplantation is a natural process, it requires some patience. It is normal to see hair loss and growth from time to time after the procedure. Hair begins to grow within two to three months after the operation. The hair can grow in different amounts. If uneven hair growth creates a bad appearance, it can be cut with the approval of the doctor. However, cutting should be done in a limited amount and scraping should not be done. Care should be taken to care for the growing hair and it should be washed by massaging with shampoos recommended by the doctor.
It is expected that a small amount of hair will fall out from the tenth day after hair transplantation. Hair loss and hair growth occur at certain time intervals. In fact, these hairs are the hairs that were previously left or unhealthy. These weak hairs fall out and prepare the environment for the growth and proliferation of healthier hair. People who experience hair loss after hair transplantation should know that this is normal and should not panic. It should be known that the transplanted hair and scalp are subjected to a certain adaptation process as a result of the surgical intervention and hair loss is an expected result. It is important not to disrupt the doctor’s appointments in terms of controlling hair loss and hair care.
1 Month After Hair Transplant
Within 1 month after hair transplantation, shock hair loss occurs in the hair and hair follicles. The reason why it is called shock hair loss is that hair loss occurs suddenly. After the hair loss, healthier and stronger hair begins to grow. For one month after the operation, you should avoid heavy lifting, swimming and sports as much as possible. The hair transplanted areas should be treated sensitively and protected from external impacts. Pay attention to the lying position and avoid touching the pillow as much as possible.
Things to Consider After Hair Transplantation
Patients who have undergone hair transplantation should take care of their hair care after the procedure in order for the hair follicles to grow in a healthy way. Things to be considered and avoided after the treatment are as follows:
- Sweat can damage the newly transplanted hair follicles. For this reason, heavy physical activities that cause sweating should be avoided in the first days.
- In the first days, smoking, alcohol and coffee consumption should be avoided. Care should be taken to ensure that the hair transplantation areas do not touch the pillow.
- Hot water and sun should be avoided. Avoid swimming in the sea and pool for the first two weeks.
- It is important not to touch the transplanted area with your hand and not to scratch the scalp.
- Stress should be avoided.
- Hair should not touch water for two days after application.
- Excess salt consumption should be avoided.
- Wait for the crusts to fall off on their own and gently massage the scalp if necessary.
- Care should be taken to sleep on your back to minimize swelling.
- Vitamins and minerals recommended by the physician can be used to support wound healing.
- The doctor prescribes various medicines and solutions according to the patient’s health condition. These should be used regularly, as prescribed by the doctor.
- It should be known that hair loss for a certain period of time is normal and you should not panic about it.
- The planted area should be protected from rain.
- Comfortable clothes that are easy to wear should be chosen.
- After a certain period of time, you can cut your hair, but it is not right to shave your hair.
- A headband and a hat that fits lightly on the head are recommended as they will keep negative external influences at bay.
Hair Transplantation in Turkey
Hair transplantation treatment in Turkey is performed in cases of irreversible hair loss. In case of hormonal hair loss, doctors usually first try a medical treatment. While hair regrowth can be achieved with medication in women, medication can only stop hair loss in men and offer a solution against advanced hair loss. Many patients do not want to take medication for a long time or for life. In Turkey, hair transplantation is planned in cases where drug treatment is not possible or no results are obtained. There is no age range restriction for hair transplantation in Turkey when it comes to individuals of legal age. Hair transplantation procedures are performed in Turkey after the doctor’s examination. Many specialized doctors provide hair transplantation services in full-scope hospitals under the most hygienic and sterile conditions.
Hair transplantation services in Turkey have become extremely advanced thanks to specialized doctors and teams and the latest technologies used. If you would like to meet our 26 hospitals equipped with innovative medical technology, more than 2500 specialized physicians, 25 years of health experience and our guest-oriented superior service understanding and benefit from hair transplantation services in full-fledged hospital conditions, you can get information and make an appointment.